Können Kanarienvögel auch draußen gehalten werden?


Are you a bird lover considering keeping a canary as a pet? One common question that arises is whether canaries can be kept outdoors. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of keeping canaries outside and discuss the factors to consider. Discover practical tips, advantages, and disadvantages of outdoor housing for canaries. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of whether canaries can be kept outdoors and how to create the optimal conditions for your feathered friend. Let’s dive in!


Can You Keep Canaries Outside?

Canaries are generally kept indoors in cages, but they can also be kept outdoors under the right conditions. Outdoor housing for canaries provides a more natural environment and can enhance their well-being. However, there are several crucial factors to consider before deciding to house your canary outside.

1. Climate and Temperature

The climate and temperature of your geographical location play a significant role in determining whether canaries can be kept outside. Canaries are sensitive to extreme weather conditions, so you must consider the average temperature and weather patterns in your area.

Canaries thrive in moderate temperature ranges, typically between 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Ensure that the outdoor climate doesn’t fall below 50°F (10°C) or rise above 85°F (29°C) for prolonged periods. Sudden temperature changes or extreme heat or cold can be detrimental to your canary’s health.

2. Protection from Predators

When considering outdoor housing for your canary, it is essential to protect them from potential predators. Common predators that may pose a threat to canaries include cats, dogs, birds of prey, and even rodents.

To ensure the safety of your canary, provide a secure enclosure such as an aviary or a birdhouse with sturdy wire mesh around it. This will prevent predators from entering and harming your pet. Regularly inspect the enclosure for any signs of vulnerability, like gaps or loose wires, to maintain a secure environment.

3. Adequate Shelter

While canaries love to soak up the sunshine, ample shelter is essential for their well-being. It is crucial to provide your outdoor canary with a sheltered area that protects them from direct sunlight, rain, and strong winds.

The shelter should have a roof to shield your canary from rain and snow. Additionally, it is advisable to position the aviary or birdhouse in an area where it won’t be exposed to harsh winds. This will help maintain a comfortable and safe environment for your canary.

4. Social Interaction

Canaries are active and social birds that enjoy the company of others. When contemplating outdoor housing, it’s important to consider whether your canary will have company or become lonely.

If you have multiple canaries, you can house them together in a spacious aviary, allowing them to interact and socialize. However, if you only have one canary, you should make efforts to engage with your pet by spending quality time outside with them.

Advantages of Outdoor Housing

Now that we have discussed the factors to consider, let’s explore the advantages of outdoor housing for canaries.

  • Natural Light and Fresh Air: Canaries are highly responsive to natural light, and exposure to sunlight can be beneficial for their overall health and well-being. Outdoor housing allows them to enjoy the benefits of natural light and fresh air.

  • Increased Exercise: The larger space provided by an outdoor enclosure allows canaries to fly and exercise more. This promotes physical health and prevents obesity.

  • Stimulation: The outdoor environment offers more sensory stimulation for canaries. They can listen to natural sounds, observe other birds, and experience different smells, which can contribute to their mental well-being.

Disadvantages of Outdoor Housing

While there are advantages to keeping canaries outside, it’s important to be aware of potential drawbacks as well.

  • Vulnerable to Predators: Keeping canaries outdoors exposes them to potential predators. It is crucial to ensure proper enclosure security to minimize the risk.

  • Extreme Weather Conditions: Canaries are delicate creatures and may not tolerate extreme temperatures or sudden weather changes. It is essential to monitor the weather closely and make necessary adjustments to protect your canary.

  • Increased Risk of Diseases: Outdoor housing may increase the risk of your canary coming into contact with wild birds or insects carrying diseases. Regular health check-ups and preventive measures are essential to keep your canary safe and healthy.



In conclusion, canaries can be kept outdoors with the right conditions and precautions. Consider your climate, provide protection from predators, ensure adequate shelter, and provide opportunities for social interaction. Outdoor housing offers benefits such as natural light, fresh air, increased exercise, and stimulation. However, it is important to be aware of potential disadvantages, such as vulnerability to predators, extreme weather conditions, and increased risk of diseases.

If you decide to keep your canary outdoors, remember to regularly inspect the enclosure for any needed repairs, monitor the weather closely, and provide proper care and attention to ensure your canary’s well-being. By creating the optimal conditions, you can provide your pet canary with an enriching and fulfilling outdoor experience.

Now that you have learned about outdoor housing for canaries, it’s time to take action! Assess your environment, make the necessary preparations, and monitor your canary’s well-being closely. Enjoy the beauty and joyful melodies of your canary in their outdoor haven!

Watch this video for more insights on outdoor housing for canaries:






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